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Electronic Medical Record

One record...for life!

Learn more about the secure Epic EMR and how it will improve patient care

Before she grows up to break a high school track record, baby Caroline receives another record – her electronic medical record (EMR) – at Greenwich Hospital. The moment she is born, an EMR is created. Tests, examinations, caregiver notes, health insurance information –everything is entered into one digital record. Paper charts are a thing of the past.

At the pediatrician’s office, Nick’s parents have peace of mind that their child’s one medical record will follow him from birth through routine checkups and sick visits. His doctor’s practice supports the same Epic EMR computer system used at Greenwich Hospital. Whether at the doctor’s office or hospital, Nick’s record is complete and accessible to his pediatrician.

Chest pains send Glen to the Greenwich Hospital Emergency Department. Just last week he had received a clean bill of health at his annual physical. The medical team examines Glen and reviews his EMR updated the week before. No need to call around to different diagnostic centers for previous results – they’re stored in Glen’s record.

There may be no worse experience for a parent than a trip to the Emergency Department with a sick or injured child. But when Jack tumbles out of a tree, the ED at Greenwich Hospital quickly verifies his EMR information and then treats his broken arm. Then all of the diagnostic tests, like X-rays, are entered into Jack’s one electronic medical record.

Lauren’s cancer was detected early, but she did require surgery. When it’s time for her to return to Greenwich Hospital for radiation treatments, there are no images or paper files to be consolidated. Lauren’s surgical record is already online, instantly accessible to the radiation specialists. And if Lauren needs to travel to Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven to receive care, her one EMR is already viewable there.